Error on a connected account Updated September 22, 2022 20:07 If you are receiving notifications that your account isn't updating, or if you are unable to see recent transactions, or you are getting an error message on your account, continue reading to learn how to fix the issue. When an institution changes their online banking environment, the update can “break” the connection we have established for those accounts. This may prevent us from updating accounts until the connection is updated to reflect the changes in the online banking environment. Short breaks in connection are normal and typically resolve themselves within a day. If you cannot reconnect the account in one day, submit a support request. When an account connection breaks, we need to update the connection to reflect the changes in the online banking environment. This typically happens quickly, but if a connection remains down for more than two days, you can submit a support request and MX will investigate the issue with the data provider. Click on the “Manage Institutions” icon, or Click the alert in the Accounts tab, then click the error message next to Link Status. Click “Try the same login information again” to refresh, or “Enter new login information” if your credentials may be out of date. If the connection fails again, log in to your financial institution's online banking to verify that your credentials are correct and that there are no holds on the account. This could include accepting new terms and conditions, a request to update your password, or other periodic requests. If you still cannot connect your account, please submit a support request so our team can help you. Was this article helpful? 2 out of 2 found this helpful Yes No