Missing transactions

  • Updated

Though rare, transactions can occasionally get lost in transmission. If a transaction or set of transactions are truly missing, contact your financial institution's support team or submit a support request to the MX Support Team to have the transactions retrieved and the underlying cause investigated. More often, however, another issue is preventing transactions from appearing.

  • There are a few reasons your transactions might be missing:
    • Updated credentials
      • If you updated credentials for the account in online banking, you will need to update them in the Accounts tool to continue updating the account. When the new credentials are entered in, an updated balance and recent transactions will be imported.
    • Recently added account.
      • When an account is added to the Accounts tool, most accounts will retrieve at least 30 days of transaction history, though some connections allow for more. There is no way to collect more history than was provided initially, but all data will be saved going forward.
    • Pending transactions
      • Some connections can pass pending transactions, but not all. You may be expecting to see recent transactions that have not yet fully cleared.
    • System limitations
      • Due to the time it may take for a financial institution to send us the data for transactions, it may take up to 3 days for transactions to correctly import.
    1. Determine whether transactions are truly missing. If any of the scenarios above apply, then the transactions are either irretrievable, will appear in a couple days, or after the account credentials are updated. If the scenarios above do not apply, continue to step 2.
    2. Submit a support request to the MX Support Team.
      • Include in your support request:
        1. The account(s) in which you are missing transactions.
        2. A description of the missing transactions, including dates, amounts, and any other elements that the missing transactions have in common.
        3. A screenshot of the missing transactions within online banking, if possible.

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