Account Details

  • Updated

With just a few clicks, you can easily view your recent transactions, your account balance history, and the specific details of your account.

To view your various account details:

  1. On the Accounts tab, click on the account you wish to view.

  2. Click on the account for information about activity.
  3. Click on the history button  mceclip4.png in the upper right for history.
  4. Click the three dotsmceclip5.png for details about other options.

By default, this window shows your latest activity in the form of recent transactions.



The history tab mceclip2.pngwill show your monthly debits from and credits to that account over the last 12 months.


The details tab lets you view and edit details about your account, including the account name, type, and interest rate. This tab also gives you the option to mark the account as a business account, as a duplicate account, as closed, or you can hide the account.


To learn more about the Accounts tool, watch the quick clip here. 


Disclaimer: The functionality of this software varies depending on which financial institution you use. Not all content in this help center will apply to your experience.

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