Transactions Overview

  • Updated

The Transactions tool provides an overview of your recent spending across all accounts, and the ability to search or filter for something specific.


You can adjust the view for more or less history, filter down to transactions from a specific account, or reorder the transactions listed.  Your transactions will be automatically cleansed and categorized to make them easier for you to review and work with.

If you don’t have any accounts that were automatically linked by your financial institution, you may be prompted to add an account.

When you begin using the transaction tool, it will immediately start downloading your transactions. Some institutions take longer to download than others. The length of transaction history that can be imported on newly-linked accounts varies, though ninety (90) days is common. The tools will save your transaction history moving forward.


Watch the quick clip below to learn about the Transaction tool:


Disclaimer: The functionality of this software varies depending on which financial institution you use. Not all content in this help center will apply to your experience.

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