Transaction Rules Updated September 16, 2022 15:54 Recategorizing dozens of transactions can be a bit time consuming. Fortunately, you can create transaction rules to make this much easier. These rules will automatically place all similar transactions, both past and future, into the category of your choice. Creating a transaction rule Manually categorize a transaction. When you categorize something, you'll see a message asking if you'd like to put all similar transactions into the same category. Click Yes, Always Do This. to create the new transaction rule. Editing a transaction rule On the Transactions page, click the Settings icon in the upper right corner of your screen. In Settings, select the Transaction Rules tab. You'll see a list of the rules you have created, named according to the payee. Click a transaction rule. Edit the payee or choose a new category. Click Save. Deleting a transaction rule On the Transactions page, click the Settings icon. In Settings, click the Transaction Rules tab. You'll see a list of the rules you have created, named according to the payee. Click a transaction rule. Click the Delete icon in the top right. Click Delete to confirm. To learn more about the Transactions tool, watch the quick clip here. Disclaimer: The functionality of this software varies depending on which financial institution you use. Not all content in this help center will apply to your experience. Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Yes No