View Your Debts In a Chart Or a List Updated June 22, 2022 16:56 Debt Chart On the main Debts window, you'll see a colorful chart and a timeline with a list of your debt accounts below. The dotted line on the chart represents the status quo, i.e., the time it will take to get out of debt by making minimum payments without the snowball method. The colorful chart represents the expedited payoff for each debt which you can achieve by using the snowball method and by paying more than the minimum. To the right, you'll see an estimated payoff date, as well as an estimate of the amount you'll save. To see your estimated total debt at a future date: Hover the mouse over a date on the timeline. Debt List On the bottom of the main screen you'll see a list of all your debts, ordered by their priority. They are numbered and color-coded to match the chart above. To the right, you'll see the balance, interest rate, estimated final payment date, and minimum payment amount for each debt.To learn more about the Debts tool, watch the quick clip here. Disclaimer: The functionality of this software varies depending on which financial institution you use. Not all content in this help center will apply to your experience. Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Yes No