You can use the Accounts tool to monitor financial activity across all of your accounts in one place, simplifying the way you track your finances. Accounts can b...
Follow the 3 steps below to add an account: From the Accounts tool, click on the right to open the “Add Accounts” window. Search for a financial institution ...
Sometimes it’s not possible to automatically bring in important financial information. It might be that one of your financial institutions doesn’t support our so...
With just a few clicks, you can easily view your recent transactions, your account balance history, and the specific details of your account. To view your variou...
Select the Accounts tab. Click on any account listed on the right to open its Account Details window. Click the menu icon in the top right to see editing option...
If you don’t want an account to be used in any of the available features or reports, you can choose to hide the account. This way, no information or transactions...
Duplicate accounts can appear when existing account connections are altered, such as when a financial institution changes the way they name accounts in their sys...
The Accounts tool uses a multi-source aggregation strategy to provide the best possible account aggregation (connection), but connection issues can still occur a...
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