OAuth & Open Banking

  • OAuth Migration Overview

    Open authentication or OAuth is an increasingly common, secure method of data sharing where an end user gives permission to one application or website to access ...

  • Code Changes & Developer Documentation

    In order to migrate to Open Banking or OAuth, you may be required to offer developer support depending on the product you use. Select the product you use below f...

  • Call Center Impact - IMPAIRED Connection Status

    After you migrate your users to an OAuth connection, their connection with your institution will be placed in an IMPAIRED connection state. This is the same conn...

  • End User Experience After Migrating to OAuth

    When you migrate your existing customers over to Open Banking/OAuth authentication, they will need to authenticate their accounts and select their data sharing p...

  • Supporting Multiple Accounts

    When a user is transitioned to OAuth authentication, they are still able to connect multiple accounts from one financial institution. For example, they can conne...

  • Mobile App Redirection Problems - Call Center

    If you have a mobile application that uses Connect inside of a webview, after OAuth has been enabled for your client, you will need to follow the steps in the Co...